Sunday, September 15, 2013

Ferndale Good Neighbors

 I had the honor of working with the CFF (citizens for a fair Ferndale) this weekend at the DIY fair.  They are working on a community wide photo installation project showcasing what being a good neighbor means to a whole lot of people.  You can find out more here.  We have over 200 neighbors captured with signs of how they will be a good neighbor/ or what it means to them.  I get the amazingly super cool job of working with our teenagers in the community to work on what this project means at their level and how to include their generation.  I had 3 teens "in the field" looking for peers to ask the questions "what is a good neighbor and what will you commit to?"  I am proud of the work they did, the photos they took and the fact that we are going to take this into the High School!  (their work is sprinkled throughout the Good Neighbor site.) (Sophie even got our State Rep Sander Levin!!!!)

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